About us
We are specialist in the polymer and chemical industry. With more than 20 years of experience in polymers, our know how let us not onlye distribute our products, but also advise our customers and accompany them in their way to excellence.
- Raw materials of high quality
- Personalized customer service
- Efficience logistic (warehouse and production site in Galicia).
- Own laboratory.
- Collaborations with the main techonlogical centres for materials in Spain
Our CSR Commitment
We believed our economical model that combines independency, long-term vision, profit growing and responsible process, creates value for everybody and belongs to our contribution to the global wellness.
Aware of our responsability, we take intro account the social and environmental impacts of our company activities, in order to integrate the SDG (sustainable development goals) in every step of our products life cycle.

Epoltech develops its design process, manufacturing and quality control under the international standards ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015.
Our quality standards are complemented with the application of Lean Manufacturing method in the different process, in order to minimize production losses and maximize the added value for the final customer.